2010 december 6 to
december 9 Remote Observing run (VEGA+CLIMB)
- UT 2010-12-09 (report):
Aur, AB Aur, Sirius, Regulus
- UT 2010-12-08 (report):
Cet, AB Aur, HD49933, Regulus
- UT 2010-12-07 (report):
Cet, eps Aur, Sirius, Regulus
- UT 2010-12-06: Olivier, Denis: bad weather, no
2010 november 23 to
november 27 Remote Observing run
- UT 2010-11-27 (report),
Nicolas, Florentin, Denis. AlphaCep, BetaCas, Orion
- UT 2010-11-26 (report),
Nicolas, Florentin, Roxanne, Denis. Orion, MWC158,
- UT 2010-11-25: no operations on CHARA, Karine,
Florentin, Roxanne
- UT 2010-11-24: no observations due to weather issues,
Karine, PhilB, JeanMi
- UT 2010-11-23: no observations due to weather issues,
Karine, PhilB, PhilS, JeanMi
2010 october 11 to october 20 Observing run (Roxanne L.,
Isabelle TB., Denis M.)
- Summary of observations (pdf here)
- UT 2010-10-18/19/20: Clouds and humidity, no
- UT 2010-10-17: VEGA+CLIMB (again ALGOLR only)
Partially cloudy
- 13 Cyg: E1E2W2, 2 points
- HD14055: E1E2W2, 1point
- lambda Tau: E1E2W2, 1 point
- AB Aur: E1E2 (AH=-1h et AH=+2h) belles
- Theta Aur: E1E2W2, 1 point.
- report
- UT 2010-10-16: VEGA+CLIMB (ALGOLR data only, pb with
ALGOLB computer) Partially cloudy
- HD14055: VEGA and CLIMB on E1E2W2
- rho Cas: VEGA (E1E2) and CLIMB (E1E2W2)
- HD49933: VEGA and CLIMB on E1E2W2, 3points + 2
- report
- UT 2010-10-15: VEGA+CLIMB
- rho Cas: 2 calibrated points on E1E2, MR Halpha
- AB Aur: 1 calibrated point on E1E2, MR Halpha
- lambda Tau: 2 calibrated points
- report
- UT 2010-10-14: VEGA+MIRC:
- bet Cep: E1E2W2, E2W2W1, E1E2W2, E2W2W1
- theta1 OriC: S1S2W2, S2W2W1, S2W2W1, S1S2W2
- report
- UT 2010-10-13: VEGA+MIRC:
- alf Cep on E1E2 (3 points) and W1W2 (1point)
for VEGA in HR Halpha and MIRC on 4T, with calibrator.
- bet Cep 4T for VEGA and MIRC on E1E2W2W1 +
Calibrator but r0 decreasing. MR730.
- theta1 OriC: 4T MIRC S1S2W2W1 and VEGA 3T on S1S2W2
and S2W2W1 but poor quality data due to seeing
- report
- UT 2010-10-12: VEGA+MIRC. Cophasing of the two
instruments and 4T on VEGA (yeah!, 5 over 6 fringes are
detected by the quick look analysis) and data on two
successive triangles with MIRC tracking fringes.
- bet Cep (E1E2W2W1, E1E2W2, E2W2W1 + cal on the same
- HD14055 (E1E2W2 + Cal)
- theta1 OriC (E1E2W2+Cal, E2W2W1)
- report
- UT 2010-10-11 VEGA S1S2:
- K giant, P Cyg, rho Cas, HD50138, eps Aur
- report
2010 september 14 to september 18 Observing run Remote
- Observing sheets
- UT 2010-09-18 (Isabelle, Olivier, Denis) S1S2: PCyg,
betCas, MWC361, epsAur, 48And, Subgiants (report)
- UT 2010-09-17 (Isabelle, Olivier, Denis) S1S2:
Kgiants, PCyg, MWC361, epsAur (report)
- UT 2010-09-16 (Daniel, PhilippeB, PhilippeS) S1S2:
Kgiants, Subgiants, PCyg, betCas, 48And (report)
- UT 2010-09-15 (Daniel, PhilippeB, PhilippeS) E1E2:
Subgiants, betCas, PCyg, 48And, betCep (report)
- UT 2010-09-14 (Daniel, PhilippeS) E1E2: Subgiants,
betCas, MWC361, betCep, alfAnd, 48And
august 26 to august 29 Observing run Remote
- Observing sheets
- bet Cep (V03)
- gCas-XMM (V13)
and gCas-SPIN (V13P)
- Bn stars (V19)
- ome Dra (V20)
- subgiants (V22)
- Eps Aur (V27)
- P Cyg (V30)
- K giants (V35)
- UT 2010-08-29 (Nicolas, Denis, T. Merle): E2E1, W1W2,
E1E2W2: Bn-2T. 3T+Climb (recording also): omeDra, bet
Cep, gam Cas (report)
- UT 2010-08-28 (Nicolas, Denis, Ph. Bendjoya):E2E1, bad
seeing, huge number of technical issues: Bn, betCep
(poor quality) (report)
- UT 2010-08-27 (Nicolas, Denis,Ph. Bendjoya, T. Merle):
W1W2: PCyg, K giants, epsAur (report)
- UT 2010-08-26 (Nicolas, Denis, Jean-Michel):
S1S2+clouds: gCas-SPIN, K giants, epsAur (report)
2010 july 29 to august 1st
Observing run Remote
- Observing sheets
- UT 2010-08-01 (Omar, Denis): S1S2: (report)
- UT 2010-07-31 (Omar, Denis): S1S2: K giants,
subgiants, gCasSPIN, Eps Aur (report)
- UT 2010-07-30 (Daniel, Denis): W1W2: Bn, PCyg, 13Cyg,
gCas, Subgiants +E1W2 betCep (report)
- UT 2010-07-29 (Daniel, Denis, PhilippeB): W1W2: Bn,
Pcyg, SubGiants, gCas(report)
2010 june 20 to june 27 Observing run 2010-06 (Karine,
- Observing sheets:
- 13 Cyg (V01)
and 13Cyg_3T (V01_3T)
- delta Cep (V03)
- chi Oph, del Sco (V14)
- Sub giant radii (V22)
- P Cyg (V30)
- K giants (V35)
- UT 2010-06-26: V35 (K giants), V30 (PCyg). (report)
- UT 2010-06-25: V14 (Be), V30 (PCyg) and V01
- UT 2010-06-24: V14 (Be), V30 (PCyg) and V03
- UT 2010-06-23: V01(13Cyg) E1E2(r)W2. Fringes3T with
- UT 2010-06-22: VEGA+CLIMB 3T E1E2(r)W2. Fringes but
poor seeing (report)
- UT 2010-06-21: V01(13Cyg) & V22(Subgiants) W1W2 (report)
- UT 2010-06-20: V01(13Cyg) W1W2 and offsets found on
E2W2 (report)
2010 april 29 to may 8 Observing run (Jean-Michel,
Thomas De jaeger, Denis)
- Observing sheets:
- Qualification observation, V20
- Metal deficient stars, V06
- YSO MWC275, V12
- Be stars, V14
- sub giants radii, V22
- Limb darkening of cepheids, V33
- K giants, V35
- UT2010-05-09: Medium night (report)
- UT2010-05-08: Test FLUOR+VEGA and VEGA+CLIMB (no
- UT2010-05-07: Technical issue on TT; tests VEGA+CLIMB
- UT2010-05-06: Humidity, wind, bad seeing....(report)
- UT2010-05-05: Kgiants, Be stars and YSO. Good night. (report)
- UT2010-05-04. CLIMB+VEGA but horrible seeing (r0 from
4 to 2cm) due to winds (report)
- UT2010-05-03. Fringe
tracking+MetalDeficient+YSO+Polaris (night log +
report on
- UT2010-05-02: Poor seeing. Technical test reports (report)
- UT2010-05-01: Some tests of FT at the beginning of the
night. Then wind and poor seeing.
- UT2010-04-30: lost due to high winds, humidity and
poor seeing.