Dynamical Structure of the 2/1 Commensurability with Jupiter and the Origin
of the Resonant Asteroids
Moons, Michele; Morbidelli, Alessandro; Migliorini, Fabio
AA(Departement de mathematique, FUNDP, Namur, Belgique), AB(Observatoire
de la Cote d'Azur,
CNRS, Nice Cedex 4, France), AC(Armagh Observatory, Armagh, Northern Ireland,
Icarus, Volume 135, Issue 2, pp. 458-468. (Icarus Homepage)
Publication Date:
Abstract Copyright:
(c) 1998: Academic Press
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Using a semi-analytic approach, we provide a three-dimensional picture
of the secular dynamics in the 2/1 mean-motion
commensurability, mapping the most chaotic regions and the two islands
of quasi-regular motion. Five asteroids have recently
been discovered in one of these islands and it has been conjectured
that they were injected by the Themis-family formation event,
which occurred close to the 2/1 resonance border. We show that this
scenario is viable from the orbital and size distribution point
of view and that it would also explain why no asteroids have been observed
in the second island. Finally we discuss the possibility
that the 2/1 resonance is the dominating source of CI and CM meteorites,
as was suggested on spectroscopical bases. We find that
the efficiency of the 2/1 resonance is far too small for it to be such
a dominating source.